
The following argument types are supported when compiling Ivy to Bitcoin Script:

  • Bytes: a string of bytes (typically represented in hexadecimal)

  • PublicKey: an ECDSA public key

  • Signature: a ECDSA signature by some private key on the hash of the transaction

  • Time: a time (either a block height or a timestamp)

  • Duration: a duration (either a number of blocks or a multiple of 512 seconds)

  • Boolean: either true or false

  • Value: Some amount of Bitcoins (or, more precisely, some amount of satoshis). Parameters of type Value represent actual Bitcoins that are locked up in a contract.

  • HashableType: any type which can be passed to hash functions: Bytes, PublicKey, Sha256(T), Sha1(T), and Ripemd160(T).

  • Sha256(T: HashableType): the result of taking a SHA-256 hash of a value of the hashable type T.

  • Sha1(T: HashableType): the result of taking a SHA-1 hash of a value of the hashable type T.

  • Ripemd160(T: HashableType): the result of taking a RIPEMD-160 hash of a value of the hashable type T.

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